Unique 3D Printed Items

Our online store offers a wide range of unique and innovative 3D printed items inspired by pop culture. From home decor pieces to hobby accessories, we have something for everyone. Discover one-of-a-kind collectibles featuring your favorite movie and TV characters, iconic video games, and beloved childhood references. Each item is meticulously crafted using cutting-edge 3D printing technology, ensuring high-quality and intricate details. Whether you are a passionate fan or simply looking for a distinctive gift, our selection is sure to impress. Browse through our inventory and find the perfect conversation starter that showcases your personal style and love for different pop culture. Shop now and own a piece of art that reflects your unique taste and interests.

Discover a collection of 3D printed items inspired by pop culture and various hobbies.

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Customer Reviews

"My son loves this! He loves the details of its colors. The whole thing is just perfect! highly recommend this." ( etsy, calvin and hobbes )

"These are so cool, and he was easy to work with! He actually custom made a logo for me that he didn't already have designed! Thank you so much! ( ebay, WCW/ECW logos )

"This looks so legit! I would certainly buy from this shop again. Great quality work." ( etsy, pennywise cat )

About Us

The Trixstr's 3D Printing & Design is a local small business specializing in 3D printed items and design services. We are passionate about pop culture from the 80's and 90s as well as different hobbies such as dioramas and model railroading. Above all we believe in creativity through passion and innovation.

a close up of an orange object with a 3d printer nozzle
a close up of an orange object with a 3d printer nozzle
landscape photography of train rails between forest
landscape photography of train rails between forest

Think like an Artist.

Solve like an Engineer.

Act like an Entrepreneur .

Contact Us

For inquiries or custom orders, please reach out to us.
